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I think the game need some new roles like some one who can try to shoot the imposter. I think the imposter should be available to shoot someone from a distance that would be cool. I hope the game will add some thing for a ghost like it’s not fun to be a ghost it would be nice for something new… like a impostor ghost like he can Haunt people and take their bodies. can only do it once. There should be some new game modes like hide and seek or a solo mode. I know some one made a solo mode but it’s a different game and you can’t get it on Mobile so that would be fun. I love your game thanks. Few mouths later. NEW ROLES? YES! Cosicubes? Cool. Removeing app purchases. EXTREMELY STUPID. I Spent some of my money on this game and they REMOVE IT? Hamster and dog and clothing are gone from me. And I have to spend MORE MONEY TO GET IT BACK?! :( WHY? JUST WHY? AND YOU DONT REFUND IT STILL? Are you kidding. but still the update is cool. New roles I love it. Maybe some more in the future. Please give the app purchases back this made me anxious. I have a 3 star approval of this game cuz of this. But it’s still 4 stars because of the game kinda balanced it out. ( pets in cosmicubes) lol. Plz give stuff back. Please. And a was gonna say something about disconnecting whenever someone leaves but you fixed that. Also why cant you sign in with game center? or stuff like facebook or google or whatever. good game in the end. just hate quick chat.
A game of teamwork and betrayal space! Play online with 4-15 players as you attempt to prep your spaceship for departure, but beware as one or more random players among the Crew are Impostors bent on killing everyone.
I used to bolt to my phone once I had the opportunity of free time just for I could play this game. This game is tremendously entertaining but, with time this game gradually gets boring. It eventually went to me playing this game everyday to never playing this game in the duration of months. I had such an amazing time playing this game. After months of not playing this game I came back, but now the enjoyment of playing this game has declined as a result of this games updates. One of my critiques for this game is the limitations of speech. I do understand that without the limitations of speech people could get foul things said to them, but when you’re not allowed to explain yourself why your not the Imposter, that takes away the point of the game; Prove yourself trustworthy and deceive the Crewmates or catch the Imposter without being suspected. In my opinion, the graphics aren’t the most flattering, I prefer the the previous version but yet again, that’s just a personal preference. The fact that you can’t change your name in the game is also just a minor change that I miss. Yes they removed the feature of changing your name because people were abusing that power, but there are other solutions that would make everyone happy, for example: censoring the name, instead of just completely taking the ability to change your name away. Other then these minor issues, the game is still enjoyable, I still would recommend people to play this game just to kill downtime.